Vision (who we are)
We aim to be a Gospel-centered congregation.
Purpose and Mission (what we do):
We exist to delight in, display, and declare Jesus Christ.
Objectives and Values (how we do it):
We are commissioned, by God's Gospel grace, to make disciples who delight in Jesus over everything, display Jesus with one another, and declare Jesus to everyone.

DELIGHT in Jesus over everything
Enjoy Jesus Christ in a loving, personal relationship
We were made to know and delight in God. We were hardwired to worship. But we rebelled against the God we were made to enjoy. The good news of the gospel is that we have been redeemed through faith by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So, we seek to invite others, Christians and non-Christians alike, to find their joy and satisfaction in Jesus Christ, who created and redeemed us.
We gather together each week to delight in Jesus through congregational worship. Thus, in a word, "Delight" = "worship".
DISPLAY Jesus with one another
Radiate Jesus Christ through transformational change into His likeness
The gospel is best displayed when we are being transformed by it. Therefore, we seek to spur one another on to be more like Jesus in our daily loves, relationships, and work. We desire to manifest Christ as He changes us together.
We put the gospel on display before a watching world as we gather weekly, love one another as Christ loves us, and love our neighbors as Christ loves the world.
We pray to display Jesus through transformational growth into His likeness powered by His grace at work in us. Thus, in a word, "Display" = Growth
DECLARE Jesus to everyone
Announce the Gospel of Jesus to everyone and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every place.
The Gospel, as "Good News," is by its very nature something we must share. Jesus lived the life we could not live in perfect obedience to the Father, He died a death we deserved to die upon the cross, and He rose from the dead victorious as Lord over all. If He is Lord over all, then He must be declared to all people and in all life.
We declare the gospel through faithfully preaching and teaching the gospel from God's Word in our regular gatherings together and by engaging others with the gospel in our daily lives. We must speak the Gospel as we show the Gospel. In a word, "Declare" = Proclaim

Christ Centered
Jesus is not the A, B, Cs of our relationship with God but He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
Word Centered
We take God's Word seriously as the standard for all things. We therefore embrace the Bible for what it claims to be-God's inerrant word to us
Gospel Centered
We refuse to look for hope outside of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because we know that the Gospel is the only true hope in a sin cursed world.
Community Committed
As the gospel transforms our relationships with one another, we live out the gospel through hospitality and deeds of love and kindness in and through community.
Great Commission Focused
We are committed to both declaring and displaying the Gospel in our community.